If you let things go, chances are; it might come back for you or someone else will catch it.
That's the risk you need to face. =)
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't you're not meant to be.
I won't know until I tried. =)
Dah lama tak have butterflies in the stomach macam ini. Nervous. What will I face? What will happen? Will it works? Banyak betul soalan yang hanya masa yang akan dapat jawab.
"If he's the one, he won't leave."So, I should take the chances, should I? Masih ragu ragu, hehe. =P
Dah dah cakap pasal benda merapu ini. Penat sudah. Malas nak fikir dah. Lalala~

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