Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dgn jalan sabar dan mengerjakan
sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk.

Al-Baqarah 2:45



berikanku kekuatan...
kenapa semenjak dua menjak ni hatiku sangat berserabut, n mudah sgt rapuhnya?
Napa ku sgt beremosi ni~
Napa ku sgt xbersemangat ni~

cte lain lak.
ari ni, satu keputusan yg drastik dbuat.
berat snanya, tp utk kebaikan bersama kedua2 pihak.
alwani, anda kena faham keadaan dia n napa dia nak wat gitu.
dh kuar u pun xkan xreti2 nk fhm kot?
semoga dia berjaya capai impiannya~
Minggu depan, ujian pertama beliau.
Moga selamat semuanya.
no sacrifice, no victory~

and and and...
bermulalah episod xyah topup mxs dah.
pdhl, slame ni xksh pun psl topup2 tu.
xde lg kisah enpon sakit.
sng cte, dh xde kisah dh.


and and and.
ade ke nk g kepong tp bli tiket nk g kepong sentral.
asal la ngan kamu ni alwani???
tp td date ngn cik mim.
mkn manok.
tu je nk cte.

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You know what’s beautiful?

Your eyes blinking, your pupils dilating when you’re euphoric, the curve of your smile, the shade of your teeth, the arch of your back, the fingers typing, the breathing thing you do, the thoughts. Your thoughts. How you think is beautiful; how a thought comes to mind is…a miracle, how you operate, how you are; just you. In every sense of the word; all your blood cells, neurons, organs, your limbs, your soul. You are breathtaking, mashaa’Allaah.


You can’t control the things that happen to you but you can control the way you react to them. It’s all perception.
You Again (Movie)