It's convocation season. So, I have many people surrounds me which just had their convocation.UKM, USM, UM, UTeM, can't recall.
Kakak Epa, my brothers and sisters of PPSM. Colleagues of PPSM. Abg Deris for his MAsters. Atiqah of FC KMNS. HAzril. My friends. Aina's is on October. Kimi, kamoo sudah kah belum?
C.o.n.g.r.a.t.u.l.a.t.i.o.n.s. You guys/girls deserves it.
Most of all, there's this one person that I owe much. Mr Sanchez. Tahniah. Konvo juga awak kan. After macam macam jadi. Moga awak dapat kerja cepat cepat. Dapat kumpul duit manyak manyak. Nanti kahwin. Pastu saya jadi Aunty Noru Amran. Aunty Noru Amran yang cun. Amin. =)
Semoga semoga semoga awak akan terus success. I owe you lots. Thanks for being a friend. One of the bestest I ever had. Duit kertas tu saya still simpan okay. Thanks sebab still ada walaupun awak dah ada kakak. Sorry sebab tak dapat pergi Melaka yesterday. Sangat sangat ingin berada dengan awak masa one of your meaningful day. Tapi... Takpelah. Mungkin next time. Time awak wedding pula ke kan. =)
Kadang kadang kan, bila kita rasa tak cukup kuat untuk buat sesuatu, look back. And you will realize that, dulu pun you felt the same thing. But you can reach this far. So, think again. Takkan you cannot do it again and again and again and again, kan?
Life's tough. And that's how it's suppose to be. Okay dah. Nanti tak pasal pasal ada titisan manik jernih pula.
Off. =)
Adik adik PPSM. Tahniah. ALl the best for future undertakings. And. Bunga dan coklat dan bear tu semua mahal laaa. hehe. =P

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