There's this quote saying "Never say goodbye. Coz you might not see them again." Tata and goodbye isn't the same, right? Hehe.
So, tata FC KMNS. Enough already. I've lost one of my precious treasure because I'm too into FC KMNS, I don't want to lose it again. I have other commitments to catch, chase and to take care of. Career especially! But somehow, you guys will always remain in that space in my heart. So, if you guys need me, ever, you know where to find me. I'm out of FC KMNS as whole. But, as a sister, I'm still being one. XOXO FC KMNS! AGM ni last. I need to retire. *hopefully*
Being quiet doesn't means that I forget you. It's just that I'm 100% sure that you'll be safe in HIS hands.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.

i will always remember you.. =)
aaahhh. you're so sweet. =)
sebab dia?
huhu..will be missing u~
kakak : comitment. =)
nyza : alah. nanti awak dapat adik2 baru yang tak larat nak hafal nama sorang sorang, you won't miss me dah. hehe.
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