It's Friday. And my next exam is 28hb. Like more than 1 week more.
So I have plans.
I felt like going to visit Sanchez at Ayer Keroh. But yesterday when I texted him asking whether he is busy or not, I cancelled the plan. Because he is busy. And I don't want him to force himself to entertain me if I did go visit him. No. I'm not going there just because to meet him. Coz I can meet Kakak! And... of course I'm not going alone. Plus I promised to visit him during his studies. But he'll be finishing it by May. So, I have another unkept promise.
I felt like going to Manjung. Coz that lil girl gets the offer of doing matriculation. Penang. And... the registration will be on 10th May. Coz at first I'm thinking of going to visit her after the orientation week for matriculation. Since I'll be involved with the orientation week. And... thinking of, I can visit that lil boy at Manjung also. But suddenly this came up. Thinking again, I might not go there. Coz I don't have any idea of who I should ask to tag along.
Meeting Encik. But somehow. I didn't tell him anything about this plan. So, maybe not.
HOME!!! This is the plan I'm going for since last week. A'idah told me this," Akak rajin balik umah ek lately" Yup. Lately I keep goimg home when weekends arrive. And this time I might bring back some stuff to be left at home. BEcause this semester is going to reach the end soon. Homey, get ready. You're going to be stuffed up with my stuff! Haha. But I don't know when to go home. Today or tomorrow?

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nk jmpe sy???
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