Last night, I planned to sleep early.
But somehow, something else turn up.
I went blog hopping. And reached this guy's blog. The Bogus Circus.
I came by the post where he talked about Twilight.
I told sister and suddenly we ended up watching someone else reading Twilight. At Youtube. But he didn't finish reading about it till the end yet. Currentky until Chapter 12. Nerimon's channel. Oh oh. Dia ada cursing lah juga. Just to warn you guys earlier in case you guys wanted to check it out.
Try lah check out. FUN. He studied twilight and macam2 books lagi as if it was Shakespeare's work. Ye lah, orang belah sana kan kena study Shakespeare. (sini pun)
I didn't read Twilight. So watch people read Twilight pun ok juga. Haha.
Hilang sekejap stress.
Pagi ini bangun and then, OH noooooooooooooooooooo! exam lusaaaaaaa!
Tapi sempat lagi nak blog. Lol.
Kena tolong smallest sister sikat rambut.

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