A : Akak suka jadi kakak, kan?
Me : =)
It had been years. I don't mind lending my ears to hear any of my brother's or my sister's stories. If ever I could help, I'll help. Or else, I'll just listen.
Yet there are times where how I wished I have a big sister. For my to cry on. To comfort me when things are becoming rough. To say that it's going to be ok. Even if it's not. To remind me not to do stupid things. To share stories of how they go through their life.
And this few weeks, that's what I really hoped for. But not all wishes will come true. Only wishes. And Dreams.
Because I don't have a big sister, I became one. So that they won't feel how I felt.
Yet, I want my big sister. For me to cry on. T_T
Kalau semalam dapat jumpa lama sikit, I bet I cried myself out on you, kakak. Kalau.

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