Have you ever missed someone soooo badly it makes you cry?
I do. I missed Adik Iwan. It had been 2 weeks already. And I hear nothing from him.
I wanna be selfish. I want him to call and say hi. Where else he is having an exam just a week away. And... *sigh*
I missed him. And the last time he called, I'm not so happy with what he said. But he's a big boy already. A grown up. He should create his own life.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I missed him.
Someone else valed. GO awayyyyyyyy. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now.
See, I can sound very crap. Just because a little boy is being quite, I can be emo all the wayyyyy.
May he can answer the exam questions with flying colours. I really hoped that he can achieve his dreams.

im sorry if im d 1 u meant..ill go..juz take a gud care of urself..salam..
apehal perasan sgt?
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