Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dgn jalan sabar dan mengerjakan
sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk.
Al-Baqarah 2:45
très heureux.

Dah pos barang.
Dah anta borang.
Dah pos kad. (Harap sampai sebelum pakcik posmen cuti.)
Dah renew lesen yang dah pekasam tuh.
So, taklah pekasam kan sebab dah BARU.
Balik umah leh la main keta pa.
Abislah btambah2 kemek kat keta pa.
Alang2 dah kemek, kemekkan lah terus,kan?
Tinggal nak jv tulis kad raya utk dot dot dot jek... Sape nak join? (ni buat esok)

Jom siapkan asimen.
Ada 3 lg.
You know what’s beautiful?
Your eyes blinking, your pupils dilating when you’re euphoric, the curve of your smile, the shade of your teeth, the arch of your back, the fingers typing, the breathing thing you do, the thoughts. Your thoughts. How you think is beautiful; how a thought comes to mind is…a miracle, how you operate, how you are; just you. In every sense of the word; all your blood cells, neurons, organs, your limbs, your soul. You are breathtaking, mashaa’Allaah.
“You can’t control the things that happen to you but you can control the way you react to them. It’s all perception.”
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