Last week, during the weekdays, I was busy helping Mommy getting lil brother prepared with his things for his tertiary education's registration. But actually I don't help much. Except guiding lil of how to open a bank account. And accompanying Mommy in the car. Hehe. Settled. And there was like I don't really remember when. Mommy was kind of worried about lil brother. Since he's the eldest son. I bet any mother's soft spot is the eldest son(if they have any). We were having a meal. And Daddy and Mommy was reminding him of how to manage himself during his studies, not to wake up late, and stuff. I bet your parents did this.
There was this one point.
Mommy : We need to plan our future.
Me : I planned.
I guess Mommy does understood what I meant.
Mommy : But there are times where things doesn't happen the way we planned.
Sometimes, there are point where those frustrations came back. Suddenly I was full of hatred, anger, where I thought of revenge. I felt like I've wasted some years. Too many things to remind me of the past. But until that one point, I really need to let things go. Kena redha. I really do. If not, it's like I was being cruel to myself, my family, my friends and him. Just by not letting myself happy.
And I went for lil bro registration. And it's my first time and last I guess. My lil brother is big already! All the best. Here goes. Another Actuarial student in making. Yet, if people are interested in doing mathematics, or actuary, I will really suggest them to go do Statistics. More companies needs statisticians, instead of actuary or mathematicians. That's what I thought. It's kind of tough to get job by your major these days.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.

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