Last night, I can't sleep well. So I keep getting myself awake without me intended to do so. Around 5 a.m. in the morning, I realized that I get a text message in my Maxis phone. Read it for the first time. Huh? Read it again. And again and again. The next thing that happen is that the feeling of sadness comes. I feel bad. I wished I could be by her side.
Salam. Mak (Siti Hawa Mat Elah) selamat pulg ke Rahmatullah jam 9.23 pm td(kanser susu). Skrg kami di rumah Sepang. Kebumi esok insyaALLAH. Semoga ALLAH merahmati pemergian arwah mak. Amin.
I met her 5 years ago. Few times while me and Ainto were still roomies. And that's the last time. Al-Fatihah for aunty. May we meet in heaven. I hope, Ainto and family are strong enough accepting this news.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.

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