It's the 31st of Dec 2010. Thus it means that I'm 23 already. But I dunno if I acted like one. hehe.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
For all the wishes.
May ALLAH bless us. ALways.
At this kind of age, I don't expect any presents. Expecting the least. Prayers are already enough. But if dapat presents, Alhamdulillah. =) Dapat hadiah free call dari maxis and celcom pun macam. Uish. Tak tahu nak call siapa. Serius. Nak my free call tak? Okay. Ada lah juga list. Tapi samaada nak call atau tak kan. And tengok whether the coast is clear ke tak. hehe. Naughty me.
Yesterday is atul's birthday. Elder sister by one day. She's one of my besties masa matriks dulu. And a very tough girl.
And today juga, is Redzwan's and Aisyah's and Liza's brother's birthday. Redzwan is my groupmate masa sama sama buat assignment Insurans time degree dulu. He's the eldest dalam group and suruh we people call him Abg Iwan. Tapi we stick to calling him Red because he likes to wear red. Tapi itu masa First year dulu. Sekarang dia dah pakai macam macam colour. Aisyah is Ainto's room mate masa degree. Ainto ni pula my room mate masa matriks. Ainto memang suka room mate dengan 31st Dec punya orang kot. Hehe. While Liza is my room mate masa matriks. I went to her house masa matriks dulu. And kind of baik juga dengan little brother of hers. I had my first experience riding a motorbike there. Dahlah first time, pakai baju kurung pula tu. Liza yang bonceng motorbike lain sangat kerisauan. hehe. Memorable.
And tomorrow, Fadzli pula. Fadzli is my junior. Known him sebab sama sama jadi FC KMNS. Masa di UKM dulu ada lah juga hang out dengan dia.
And 2nd Jan pula, Acu's birthday. Aunty paling bongsu belah daddy.
May mereka mereka happy always.
Panjang umur.
Murah rezeki.
Sihat selalu.
Success sokmo.
Bahagia dunia akhirat.
Amin amin amin.
Bila sampai 31st Dec ini kan, I still teringat what happened on this same date last year. And semoga tak happen again. Rohani, awak kena sangat sangat kuat okay.! =)
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.