Tumpang guna smaller sister's lappy. Hehe. *Dunno what's the name of her lappy ni.*
Belle is sick. So nak blogging, nak IM, nak fb-ing semua pun MALAS. Maybe Belle merajuk sebab on dia just to play games je kot. Nothing much to do at home kan.
Sekarang I'm looking forward to get a job. Ramai orang dah buat wishlist that consumes some amount of money. Zahira is coming back at March/April. So kena prepare buy flowers for her convocation. Because I promised her already. Plus, she told me that she's going to go work somewhere in Shah Alam. Wooopi! Tapi lambat lagi tu. Like 4 months lagi kot. Oh, and her presents yang berapa tahun tertunggak tah. Need to start counting. Maybe 4 because she's in Japan for 4 years already.
And, I'm so not good in buying technology stuffs. Doing my best though.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.

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