“The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.” :D
sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk.
Al-Baqarah 2:45
ari ni sabtu...esok ahad...lusa isnin...
dah balik kolej rabu lagi...awal kn? padahal, class suppose start on monday next week.
balik awal sebab... sangat bahaya kalau stay kat umah.. nanti tak wat pape pun... mkn... tgk tv... mndi... solat... tido...bgn blk, mkn... men2 ngn belle, kcau adik, kcau gomok... ish, xstudy pun...
maka, keputusan yg drastik diambil.. iaitu balik kolej earlier. but then, ape la yang dibuat kt cni pun... truk nye...
yesterday, bile smpi kt blok after g lib tu, around 6 pm, ade this little kitty yg mengiau2 pggl mama die. mama n die nye siblings sume dh ilang, xtau ke mane tah. agk menggigil jgakla kitty tu. nk bg mkn, bkn ade mknn yg sesuai pun. smbl tunggu azan maghrib, bwk kitty tu rayau satu blok klu2 ade famly die. tp, logik nye kn, klu ade family die, msti mama die dh blh dgr dh. sbb die ngiau sgtla kuat. last2, after solat maghrib, watla milk, paksa kitty tu minum. tp bdn die still menggigil. so, g ke blok dpn klu2 ade famly die. tgk2 xde pun. trigt yg pnah nmpk mama die rayau2 kat area2 flatlet. g sane, tgk mmg ade. ape lg, angkut mama die bwk g jmpe kitty. then mama die angkut kitty g kt blok flatlet. maka, case solved. mcm xde keje je kan? tp rs lega. klu x sian la jgak kitty tu. cbe bygkan. kite kcik lagi, xtau pape, hanya tau bersuara jek n then family tibe2 ilang? serius cm tkut jgak kn...
smlm jugak, burfday aiz.. wah... my big bro dh tuwe... dh besar... 22 taun... big bro la sgt... agak tensed la jgak pg smlm. sbb nk anta mms tp xdpt2... brape lame xanta2 la jgak... urgh... lain kali la kot...
projek arini?
nk siapkan pape yg patut... hazim dok igtkan about psm jek... in progress k... alam lg... isu plhn... kwln lg...
bowling msuk mulut...
bermulalah episod baru...
barula sgt...
firstly brunch...
kat cafe... dgn? ehem... skt tekakla plak...
then tgk cte taken... kat belle je...
then solat zuhur...
brulah kuar nk g bowl..
tp bile smpi...
rmaila org plak...
maka, tersebutlah kisah xjd nk bowl..
n rs nk mkn...sbb tim tu cm dh kul 4..n brunch td kul 11..so, dh 4 jam, mknn pun dh hadam kot..
assuming mknn dh hadam..(maths kn suke assume2 ni...)
maka, blhla mkn kan...
brape kali ulang alik kt kdai sushi tu...
last2 msuk gak...
lwk jek...
lame la jgak baru order2 mkn..
xtau nk plh ape..
xbese2 msuk kdai sushi kan.. =)
pastu, makan la ape lg..
tp bc bismillah dulu..
tensen sbb x jd bowl..maka bowl pun masuk mulut...hahah...
namun demikian, bile smpi kt kolej, rs skt pale yg amat...
skang dh reda skit...
esok nk nalik kot...
i don't know what's holding me from going back...
lg2 ella, mimah, yanti sume dh blk...
maybe sbb klu blk umah, akn memerap kat umah je kot...
xblk kmpg..
slalu if hols, akn blk kmpg...
n igt nk tman atul...
die nye bas isnin morn..
ella ckp, cm tau je nape wani tak heran psl nk blk bile..
yelah when evrybody tnye, bile i'm going back home?
i was like...
lg2 tiket cruise ade jek kn...
pg stesen msti ade..
unless, kaunter tutup n mesin jual tiket rosak...
tah...blk esok kot... atul kate nk g umah pak tam nye...
adik pun x blk umh die...
hahah...xde kaitan pun kot...
xpelah...tgk tv je lah.. nk study, skt pale lg..
alasan je kan...
t kne mrh lg sbb asyik tgk tv jek...
psm lg....
dh la tu kot...
till next time...
Surat Abraham Lincoln kepada Guru
"My son starts school today. It is all going to be strange and new to him for a while and I wish you would treat him gently. It is an adventure that might take him across continents. All adventures that probably include wars, tragedy and sorrow. To live this life will require faith, love and courage.
So dear Teacher, will you please take him by his hand and teach him things he will have to know, teaching him - but gently, if you can. Teach him that for every enemy, there is a friend. He will have to know that all men are not just, that all men are not true. But teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every crooked politician, there is a dedicated leader.
Teach him if you can that 10 cents earned is of far more value than a dollar found. In school, teacher, it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to learn how to gracefully lose, and enjoy winning when he does win.
Teach him to be gentle with people, tough with tough people. Steer him away from envy if you can and teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him if you can - how to laugh when he is sad, teach him there is no shame in tears. Teach him there can be glory in failure and despair in success. Teach him to scoff at cynics.
Teach him if you can the wonders of books, but also give time to ponder the extreme mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun and flowers on a green hill. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if every one tell him they are wrong.
Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone else is doing it. Teach him to listen to every one, but teach him also to filters all that he hears on a screen of truth and take only the good that comes through.
Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul. Let him have the courage to be impatient, let him have the patient to be brave. Teach him to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will always have sublime faith in mankind, in God.
This is the order, teacher but see what best you can do. He is such a nice little boy and he is my son.
---->regards for the author
kwn suka dan duka?
Hidup ini indah. penuh dengan warna-warni kehidupan. suka, duka, pahit, getir. semuanya ada. dan kita takkan boleh lari dari kenyataan ini. Namun, sejauh manakah kawan2 adalah sahabat? sahabat dan kawan bukanlah sama. dari segi ejaan pun tak sama. sahabat adalah insan yg sentiasa ada di kala kita suka mahupun duka. yg slalu igtkan kita di kala kita terlupa. dan betul ke kawan2 kita ni pd ms yg sama adalah sahabat?
fikir2 kanlah... kita ni pun, seorang sahabat kah? kita nak orang jaga hati kita, tapi kita jaga x hati kawan2? kita nak kawan2 slalu igt tp kita igt kat kwn2 tak...? Yakinlah... manusia takde yang sempurna. Pada ALLAH jualah kita kembali. DIA lah sahabat kita yang sebenar2nya. DIA sentiasa ada untuk kita. Fikir2kanlah.
A Letter to Ex-Girlfriend
I found this at someone's blog.
regards for the author. The title is A Letter to Ex-Girlfriend.
Dear Elissa,
Thanks for being my love for one and half years. When you receive this letter, I believe you might have selected a new boy friend and started enjoying your dating. Every lovers needs to struggle a bit to get a boy friend or girl friend.
Elissa… In order to recover your missing, I got another girl from next street & as you know this is my forth love. From all my past experiences, I have learned a lot. When the love blossoms, everyone starts writing love letters, you know very well… I have written many love letters to you, and writing a love letter in poetic way is not so easy nowadays ELISSA, and it’s a time consuming work. In order to avoid all this, I need all my love letters back, so that I can put corrector and send to my new girl friend. Please send it back to me. I don’t have poetic references or any photocopy of these letters.
Another thing ELISSA, I have given you one cute photo of mine. Can you send it to me please? You know better that this is the only photo I look very cute & handsome, and this photo I have taken when I was in my very first love.
And also, during my 1½ years of love days, I have spend lot of monies for impressing you. I am attaching a list of expenses which I request you to clear it at the earliest.
The expenses are as follows: Lunch/Dinner $3000, Cool Drinks $1000, Snacks $500, Juice $100, Cinema $200, Internet Chatting $500, Mobile $200, Petrol $1500, Gift Items $2000, - Grand Total : $9000 (in Words : nine thousand US dollars).
Please try to clear the above amount so that I can spend these monies on my new girl friend, and moreover if you have any of my gift lying with you, I’m ready to take these packs in half prices.
Please calculate the value of packs left over and deduct it from the above statement of account.
I am enclosing herewith your love letters (Weigh around 4 Kg) so that you don’t need to write again to your boyfriend and your photos so that you can give to your new BF.
Good day Elissa and don’t forget to settle the above amount as soon as possible.
Your ex-baby
Elizabeth Bishop - One Art
The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
--Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
pesan luqman al-hakim
1. Janganlah engkau sibukkan dirimu dengan urusan dunia kecuali dengan sekadar usia yang engkau miliki.
2. Sembahlah Tuhanmu, sekadar keperluanmu kepada-Nya.
3. Beramallah untuk hari akhirat, sekadar engkau ingin tinggal di sana.
4. Hendaklah engkau menyibukkan dirimu untuk melepaskan lututmu (dirimu) dari api neraka, selagi mana engkau masih belum mampu berjaya melepaskannya.
5. Beranilah engkau melakukan maksiat (kepada Allah), setakat mana engkau dapat bersabar dengan azab Allah.
zaira: 6. Sekiranya engkau ingin melakukan maksiat kepada Allah, carilah tempat yang lain di mana Allah dan malaikat-Nya tidak dapat melihat dirimu.
boycott israel...!!!
esok pilihanraya kampus..
dpt msg..
ada org promote utk diri nya diundi..
undilah saya..
calon no 18..
manifesto sy ialah
1. wktu kuliah dipendekkan dr 1 jam ke 15 minit.
2. tugasan stiap kuliah xde dan exm pun xde.
3. stp hari akn diadakan mkn percuma di kafe2 bhampiran.
4. stiap pljr blh memilih blk2 di blok sbg tmpt penginapan scr bebas, khemah juga dibenarkan.
5. pljr xperlu byr yuran dan akn mndpt wang saku rm700 stp bln dan duit itu blh la digunakan ktika lwtn smbl bljr ke midvalley.
6. bg pljr yg slalu bgn lwt, kuliah akn diadakn di waktu mlm shj.
7. bg mreka yg krg upaya dr segi kewangan, satu institusi kewangan along dan adik beradik berhad akan dibuka di pusanika.
aduh, apela awal ni... skt perut ktawe. men2 lak.
klu cenggini la..
sng je nk tau student dak u kte. yg mane yg buncit, extend x abis2 blajar tu lah my u nye student.
tibe2 je, sume cm nk jd calon.
undilah kami ya. fst.
din no 18.
adlina no 44.
ros no 2 1/2.
alwa no 413.5. ( mesti gile pjg kertas undi. cm skrol. blum grad dh dpt skrol. bngganye. )
mimah no 2.00001.
pape pun,
being better altogether...
My last week is being very serabut. N bit by bit yesterday, it loosen up somehow.. been trying eversince. coz i didnt like it that way. anyway somehow, it's raining somewhere during the afternoon yesterday. drizzly. =) then again, i'm feeling kind of relieved. coz i've been like when there's a situation where i need to explain, or both parties need to explain, i tend to neglect it. just dont bother it. but somehow, it will always linger around whether i like it or not. especially when it involves peeps around you. thinking again, i'm done with it. so....... planet earth, here i come...!!! ( y am i saying this to planet earth? )
It's election season for ipta students... i don't know whether ipts have these kind of election thingy.
My sis becomes a candidate in her u. all the best for her if she wins. She had been somebody eversince. maybe one day she'll be a minister. who knows. i used to dream that i'm being one. i'm dreaming big too. =) in my uni, u can see peeps promoting all around. i bet there will be peeps distributing flyers. i already know who i'll vote. undi rosak...!!! no. no. i'm a nice girl. and cute. n pretty. xp
i went for a jog+walking2 at stadium few days b4. went wif ainto. met up din at the stadium without any promise. we didn't jodoh kot. hahah. gatal. b4 going, i was like nak kurus nak kurus. yalah, i made up a promise wif sumwon. =)
last night, tekanan lgi..? i cnt online. maka, satu pokok bukit ler.. with the tv kind of k.o. sumbody disturbed the wire. so, the picture is not so sharp. nvrmind. cn b adjusted.
ok. that's all. back to work. pen off.
kejahatan israel lg..??!!
McDonald's and Starbucks have today announced that they will be donating all profits from now until Sunday to Israel war. Also, the producers of Adam Sandler's new movie Bed Time Stories will be donating their profits to Israel . Be informed, and let others know not to contribute and refuse to support these monsters that believe in killing innocent civilians. Boycott McDonald's and Starbucks. Also don't take your kids to see a movie that promotes violence by association. Together we can make a difference! Please pass this email to as many people as you know. Thanks
in friendship, u need to be honest
i cant express much, coz, how stinks it is, i still need to face it. at the end, i stop myself from thinking about it coz it only makes myself more miserable.
being fooled for 2 years in the past makes me learn. i become more conscious. especially when the words come out from the same person. it's not that i'm still angry, i already forgive that person but it's hard for me to forget. my room mate says, as if i'm phobia about it. yes. i do. if only i could.
but yet, life is still beautiful.

Setelah tragedi berdarah di Gaza pada Awal Muharam 1430 yang lalu, kedatangan wakil Malaysia telah pergi ke sana dan bertanyakan bantuan apakah yang dapat disumbangkan namun tahukah jawapan yang diberikan..? Difikirkan pasti sekian-sekian bentuk bantuan yang akan diminta dan boleh disalurkan namun jawapan yang diberikan, “Pergilah kamu pulang ke tanah airmu. Didiklah anak-anakmu sebaik mungkin agar jika kami semua sudah tiada untuk mempertahankan bumi Palestin ini maka nanti adalah dikalangan kamu(saudara seislamku) bangun ke medan juang ini dan mempertahankan sehabis kudratmu,” Duhai sahabatku, Mereka di sana mati berdiri, mereka berjuang biarpun habis batu dan kayu mereka lemparkan! Walaupun dengan hanya itu yang mereka mampu...
doa buat pejuang Gaza...
HAMAS isytihar intifadhah ke-3 apbla Gaza dibom mnyebabkan 380 saudara seIslam kita syahid & 1750 lg cedera! Mari kirimkan doa & qunut nazilah buat saudara2 seagama kita disana! "Allahumma ya Mujriyas sahab, wa yaHazimal Ahzab, ihzimhum kaumalKafirin, wa laknat a'laiihim, wansurna a'la kaumal Kafirin"..4wd pd sahabat seakidah..Semoga Allah S.W.T melaknati & mghancur leburkn sesiapa yg memusuhi agamaNYA...
puasa sunat muharram...
Please note that this Tuesday will be the 10th of Muharram and we encourage everyone to fast both days (9th & 10th). The Prophet (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, when he was asked about observing As-Saum (the fast) on the tenth day of Muharram, “It is an expiation for the sins of the preceding year." [Muslim] And another hadeeth states that the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, “If I remain alive till the next year, I shall also observe fast on the ninth of Muharram."
wah..dah taun baru..
byk yg kne wat utk taun bru ni...
1. nk upkan amal ibadah...solat, bc al-quran..
2. siapkan kajian ilmiah...
3. dptkan data ex-kmns kt ukm..
4. naikkan pointer... kne dean.. insyaALLAH..
5. yg xpernah dilupakn, aplikasi pemakanan.
6. isi borg utk smbg masters.
7. sebarang kontroversi dikurangkan ++ prestasi... insyaALLAH..
byk lg snanye..
tp xtertulis..
2 januari 2009.
jam 2100..
jamu kwn2 yg rapat kt kolej mkn kek + ade mknn ringan sikit..
dah final sem, nk blanje mereka2.. tah bile jmpe lg kn..
hee~ pjg umur jmpe la gak..
thanks 4 yg dtg.. yg xdpt dtg n xdpt merase, t lain kali, insyaALLAH klu ade rezki lebih..
thanks jgak kat mimah ek, sbb blnje pizza.. mmg mlm tu, abis diet ku.. dhla mkn agk lewat mlm..
bli 2 bijik kek.. ade la lbh2 skt dpt gak din n the boys merasa..
thanks 4 the cards, presents... it's a memorable one.. n i'm glad coz it ends up smoothly..
sbrg kekurgn spnjg handle majlis, minta maaf byk2.. sape yg ade amek gmbr, nk gmbr...!!!! =P
skang, 3 jan 2009.
i'm back at home. bergerak balik ke hometown around 10++.. sangaaaat ramai org kat kmtr stesen.. igt nk g mid.. tp xjdlah.. blk hometown trus.. sbb t leh singgah mall n jalan2 gak.. ujan.. wah.. main ujan.. dh lame x main ujan.. slalu bwk payung kn.. kali ni payung ttinggal kt umah so, xde la payung nye.. dgn belle dlm beg lg. so, cm bjage2 jgaklah eventho nk bhujan.. luckily xbsh. klu x, xdela nulis blog skang kot.. lunch... mkn kfc... wah... abs lg dietku... tp, thanks sbb blnje... trime je sedanya.. then jln2 kat mall, balikla umah dkat2 kul 4...
sesampainya kt umah, wah, ade kad burfday... dah lame dah sampai upenye... tim 30 dis ari tu lg.. hazim, thanks again... simple but meaningful ayt2 dlm tu.. kne igt ni.. =)
then, wat pape yg patut.. maka, smpi laj skang ni, terjadinya keadaan di mana post ni wujud n dpt dikongsi..
i guess, that's all for this post..
pen off..
You know what’s beautiful?
Your eyes blinking, your pupils dilating when you’re euphoric, the curve of your smile, the shade of your teeth, the arch of your back, the fingers typing, the breathing thing you do, the thoughts. Your thoughts. How you think is beautiful; how a thought comes to mind is…a miracle, how you operate, how you are; just you. In every sense of the word; all your blood cells, neurons, organs, your limbs, your soul. You are breathtaking, mashaa’Allaah.
— | You Again (Movie) |