Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dgn jalan sabar dan mengerjakan
sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk.

Al-Baqarah 2:45


It's hitting me hard.

It's almost 4 years now.  But I'm not sure what's holding me from leaving 3M. Maybe gaji.  But I'm not happy here.  Dahlah kerja tak related dengan Maths and teaching. Memang,  something useful,  sebab tak ramai orang tahu bidang supply chain tapi tak happy macamana?

Buatlah kerja gigih mana pun,  ada je bnda yang tertinggal.  Lagi lagi rating last year below than average.  So increment takde langsung.  Budak SPM je,  xde degree boleh dapat gaji lagi tinggi kat sini,  buat salah pape,  boss backup semua.  Why?  Tak fair. Sekali kena bash depan semua orang.  Airmuka jatuh kot.  Please tell me this is normal working in MNC? 'kena bash dpn semua org,  slh skit kecoh.  Org lain buat slh xde pape pn'

I'm telling myself,  if this year rating sama lagi,  I'll leave.  Lagi bagus untuk company kan.  Harap harap by this year dpt buat loan rumah dah.  Kalau tak,  jadi susah. 

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You know what’s beautiful?

Your eyes blinking, your pupils dilating when you’re euphoric, the curve of your smile, the shade of your teeth, the arch of your back, the fingers typing, the breathing thing you do, the thoughts. Your thoughts. How you think is beautiful; how a thought comes to mind is…a miracle, how you operate, how you are; just you. In every sense of the word; all your blood cells, neurons, organs, your limbs, your soul. You are breathtaking, mashaa’Allaah.


You can’t control the things that happen to you but you can control the way you react to them. It’s all perception.
You Again (Movie)