Alhamdulillah. Last Sunday, me and fam went to discuss and we agreed on some dates. Engagement & Solemnization. If according to Islam, merisik tu dah macam bertunang sebab macam dah janji kan. But just belum ada formal engagement lah. So... Yay! Now, I can proceed on next plans.
1st, venue. 2nd food. 3. Baju. 4. Kad kahwin. And the list goes on...
Because most halls, already have their own panel catering.
My plan is to do a hi-tea. Tiru Angah.
Pagi nikah, at 10 macam tu. Then at 3 macam tu, hi-tea.
If dah dapat dewan, lega dah. sebab dah boleh proceed untuk fikir about engagement. Petang ni nak jumpa En Selva, nak tengok rumah untuk rent. Plan asal, a house opposite je. Tapi the owner macam reluctant nak rent out. Or he have his own plans. Nak kena baiki apa apa yang rosak lagi. So takpe, yang rumah nak tengok ni corner lot. 1 1/2 storey. 1.6 k per month. We plan to ask if boleh jadi 1.5 ke. But for me, 1.6 is quite okay. If jadi, I already got a place for engagement! yayyy. doa banyak banyak.
What I realized was, I easily get stressed. Overthink kan. Huh. Nasib baik ibu, bapa, Fahmi ni jenis penyabar.
Ok. Sambung kerja. :)
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal.

eyh??? engagement?? hehehhe... jemput aida k.. wajib2!!
bestnye bace cite org wat preparation nk kawen ni..huhu
aida : haha. mehlah dtg. hari last bulan jun. :p
nyza : jom lah buat preparation gak. hehe.
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