It's Friday, and I'm loitering around. Kira masa nak balik.
Aydan is going to reach 19 months in few days. Yet I still have the feeling nak balik cepat-cepat sebab rindukan dia.
You know, PJJ ni sometimes can be easy, sometimes can be tough. Easy is, takyah nak sibuk fikir masak sangat, or iron baju. Tough is when, badan dah penat and nak rest, no body else to say, "tag, you're it!". Though we're not living berdua je.
Yet I'm grateful, Allah had sent me a cute companion. Bila hari hari macam-macam keletah Aydan, it becomes good memories between us. Dulu Aydan tak berapa nak menari, then I taught him to turn around, goyang-goyang kepala, now dah pandai goyang-goyang badan without having to initiate first. Cuma dari segi pelaksanaan Aydan, it becomes... cute! You know, when babies dance.
Aydan have this one preference. He likes to go and carry around the big mineral bottles. Siap bawak naik atas. So now, ada botol mineral besar and botol sabun besar kat living room atas. try imagine, dia bawak botol-botol besar tu. Tapi, bila naik tangga, Ama la kena tolong carry him, and him carrying the bottle. Cause Ama not so patience waiting for him to crawl naik tangga.
So yesterday, dia terbalikkan stool plastic and put, his truck in it. Busy nak bawak naik stool tu(dalam keadaan terbalik). But tak pass the safety gate. I was telling him no need to bring upstairs. Tapi dia gigih jugak nak bawak naik. Dia bebel-bebel lah juga. Aaahhh uhhh. Trying hard. So I just let him be. Because sampai rumah quite late yesterday, about 9 pm. So my focus is more on nak pergi bersihkan diri, and on the TV. Sambil tengah pasang TV, and kipas, dengar dia bunyi uh ah uh ah. Rupanya dah naik tangga separuh jalan! Kagumlah jugak how dia bawk diri. Bila dia finally give up and decided to join me upstairs. So pergilah turun, teman dia naik.(sampai sekarang tak pernah biar dia naik tangga alone). So I placed him in front of the TV. Mula-mula he hesitated to let me go and clean myself. Geleng-geleng kepala when I tell him,"Aydan tengok tv ok, Ama nak gi mandi". Then he's fine. I got to have my own sweet time. Dah siap pun, he's still watching TV. Bila tengah bentang sejadah, guess what? Dia masuk bilik seret botol mineral besar tu !
Kadang-kadang bila sangat-sangat hilang sabar I told myself, dulu masa nak, bukan main doa mintak kat ALLAH s.w.t. ni bila Dia dah bagi, takkan taknakjaga betul-betul?
p/s : tadi shopping books for Aydan, can't wait to show him. Tapi tu lah. His interest is different.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal. “The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.” :D