Dear all,
I have so much to babble when I'm going to sleep, in the toilet, driving home alone, yet little time to write here. My plan was, a quote for every post. For me to get myself positive. Or a nice picture to share that I found online.
Ramadhan is just around the corner & I'm counting days. It's normal for newly weds to count for Ramadhan or AidilFitri right? Aha. I'm looking forward for Aidilfitri so that we gets reunited.(This sentence sounds strange) Yeahhh!
I still boycott kuih Raya though. :D
Everytime I'm racing myself home after work, it kept me thinking. "Nak balik rumah ke balik Semenyih? Ke nak balik rumah ibu? Dua dua ada syurga. Tapi penat ulang-alik. Sigh." So I just told myself, Kakla, you're a strong girl. Kakla is the strong one. And I drove myself home. And the rutine goes on and on and on~
Be patient.
Kalau tak ikhlas, buat apa pun tak jadi. Usaha doa tawakal. “The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.” :D

1 comment:
Go go kak wani!
definately, without doubt, u are strong!
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